more progress today
Here's where my claybords are now. Layer upon layer of colors. I think it's time to stop and re-evaluate on another day. First thing I notice here on this photo is that I need more contrasting values. It all looks like rainbow sherbet. Isn't that interesting how I can "see" it better in a photo? Somehow it makes it more objective or something. Not sure I understand how that works, but I'm glad it does. I'm planning on adding some chipboard letters that I've painted in bright colors, to the final boards.
Here's a close-up of one of the panels. That's balled up tissue paper around the word. It just felt like it needed a word--since I have the letters and language thing going on here. So I rummaged through my stash of single words, some of which are old word cards used to make sentences, from my teaching days. This word seemed perfect, since I already have the ampersand carved into the other panel. Perhaps I need to darken that ampersand a bit? Anyway, AND seems symbolic to me--there's always more. In this time of advancing technology, we text, email, tweet, facebook, blog, etc. There's always more to say. Speaking of words, how do you like my psuedo language? It says nothing--just the hint. Love it.
It does have some sweet flavor going on. Many of my drawings are layers and layers of color. From beginning to end takes experience in knowing what those layers will achieve. And yet, it's a bit exciting to find a new path toward the goal.