Here is one of 4 collages I completed today. They are each 4 X 6, and fit in a frame together. It's called Garden Isle because it reminds me of the colors and textures and feel of Kauai. The strips of fabric on each collage are from material I bought while in Hawaii. I didn't know how I would use the fabric when I bought it; I just knew that it made me happy to look at it. The collages were done using the Jonathon Talbot method I learned from Laura in her class last Fall, using polymer medium and a tack iron. I have a love/hate relationship with this method. I hate the process (coating papers) but love the final effect. You really need to click on each photo to see the elements and the detail. This one just reminds me of the water and lava rocks and sunny skies. Here's what it looks like in the frame. Difficult to see with the glare, I know, but the total effect is so cool. Especially when you realize I bought this frame from HomeGoods for only $8! I took out the tacky prints that were in it, and replaced with my collages. And here's the piece with the mat but without the glare from the glass in the frame. Using the Hawaiian fabrics was an inspiration that came to me while mindlessly walking on my treadmill this morning. Sometimes we never know when inspiration will hit us!
I guess that mindless walking serves dual purposes. Great pieces!